Google Ads for education providers

Whether someone is looking for an online course, a degree course or a course of further education – in most cases, a Google search is the first step towards realising that ambition. With Google Ads, you can communicate with users who are likely to be interested in your education offers. As a Google Ads Agency, we help you to plan and implement high impact and efficient search campaigns.

Why search advertising?

Users will enter the exact information about which kind of education offer they are looking for into the search engine. If, for example, you provide Photoshop courses in Sydney, Australia, you can display ads in Sydney and the surrounding area for search enquiries like “Photoshop course Sydney”. The likelihood of persuading a user to make a purchase with you is a lot higher than if you would place advertising in a magazine where you cannot be sure whether the readers are interested in Photoshop courses.

Search advertising can be structured according to these criteria:

  • The type of education offered (e.g. course, degree study, higher education, online course etc.)
  • The subject matter of the course (e.g. programming, marketing, engineering etc.)
  • The geographical reach of your services (e.g. regional, national, global)

How our Google Ads Agency can help you

Analysing the potential: The first thing we do as a Google Ads Agency is to analyse what opportunities there are to advertise your services in the search engine. We look at which target search segments there are, how high the costs per click are and how high the budget needs to be to implement a strong campaign.

Campaign set up: We take care of everything needed to set up the campaign. This ranges from writing ad texts to defining search terms or designing bidding strategies.

Landing pages & websites: Your website is just as important as the campaign itself because it is there that you have to persuade the user to take the last step and become your client. Therefore, as an agency, we can also develop websites which are optimised for use in the relevant advertising environment.

Campaign management: We do the ongoing management of the search campaign by analysing and optimising all the important parameters. We do all we can to make sure you achieve your objectives.

Dashboard & reporting: As our customer, you obtain access to an easy-to-use online dashboard where all the important figures relating to the campaign can be viewed at any time. Furthermore, we inform you each month about all the most important events which have occurred during the campaign and the prognosis.

What’s the competition doing? In search advertising, you will find yourself in direct competition with other education providers. As your agency of choice, we observe the competition and use the information we gain to optimise the campaign and position your service offer as the most attractive on the market.


  • Setting up your Google Ads campaign: starting at 500 €
  • Campaign management: starting at 300 € / month
  • Websites: starting at 3,000 € / Landing pages: starting at 1,000 €

our Google Ads Agency
in Vienna

Examples of potential for

Education providers

Photoshop courses in big cities in the UK

  • Goal: to reach users in the UK’s largest cities (Edinburgh, Glasgow, Cardiff, Liverpool, Leeds, Newcastle, London, Manchester, Birmingham)
  • 5250 impressions per month in the target group
  • Potential: with a Google Ads campaign, you can generate up to 340 clicks per month in the target group
  • Budget simulation:
    • with a bid of € 8 per click, you can generate approx. 325 clicks per month (cost per click € 3.54) with an ad ranking on position 2. Necessary budget: € 1170 per month
    • with a bid of € 3.30 per click, you can generate approx. 300 clicks per month (cost per click € 2.05) with an ad ranking on position 3. Necessary budget: € 620 per month

Masters studies in marketing, target region Canada:

  • Goal: to reach users in Canada who are looking for master’s degree programmes in marketing
  • Up to 23,000 impressions per year in Canada
  • Potential: with a Google Ads campaign, you can generate up to 590 clicks per year in the target group
  • Budget simulation:
    • with a bid of € 12 per click, you can generate 580 clicks per month (cost per click € 3.91) with an ad ranking on position of 1. Necessary budget: € 2300 per year
    • with a bid of ca. € 3.90 per click, you can generate approx. 550 clicks per year (cost per click ca. € 1.80) with an ad ranking on position 2. Necessary budget: € 1000 per year

Example search volumes for

Education providers

Searches for “train to be yoga teacher” between January 2019 and December 2019 Target region: Vancouver, Canada Searches for “learn French online” between January 2019 and December 2019 Target region: USA Source: Google Keyword Planner, May 2020

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